Monthly Archives: March 2022

Tradition and Change

Pekudei Drash by Sandra Z. Armstrong

When I taught preschool, I explained to the children the concept of same and different. It is a pretty elementary school basic concept and easily understood by most. These 3-5 year olds could grasp… Continue reading

From My Jewish Learning

Reprinted with permission from My Jewish Learning

Jewish Humor

What Makes It So Popular?

March 2, 2022

The Torah tells us that Sarah, the matriarch of the Jewish people, laughed when told she’d give birth in her old age. Since… Continue reading

Contribute to the Monthly Sof Newsletter

Do you have news, stories, comments, or suggestions?

Contact Sid Goldstein, Communications Chair.

We are seeking stories and news from ALL members of the Congregation. Please send any item you’d like to see in the next Newsletter to Sid Goldstein… Continue reading


Shabbat Times