The westernmost member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Sofʻers Get Creative
All About OLLI
by Sid Goldstein
December 1, 2021
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UH Manoa (OLLI-UHM) is a member-based learning community of adults age 50+. OLLI-UHM offers a program of non-credit, college-level courses, workshops, lectures, events, and other… Continue reading
Snowbirds: Off-Island Sofʻers
Snowbirds at Sea
December 1, 2021

Mahi mahi at Penguin Banks, Molokaʻi

Sea turtle checking us out at Kāneʻohe Bay Sandbar
Sof Snowbirds on the Go
September 1, 2021
By Les Rosenthal
In the early evening of August 21st,… Continue reading
Sof Drashes
Gut Yontif – Yom Kippur Drash
October 1, 2021
By Alex Golub
The High Holy Days are a time of teshuvah. Between the beginning of Rosh Hashanah and the end of Yom Kippur we hope to have improved. And yet,… Continue reading