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Our Services

celebrateoriginal artwork by Laura Seward Margulies

Shabbat and festival services are usually held at the First Unitarian Church of Honolulu, 2500 Pali Highway. Torah study begins at 9 a.m. Saturdays, and Shabbat services are held 9:50 a.m. to about noon. An oneg (light lunch) and social hour follow services. Babysitting is always available during services. Havdalah, special events and programs are sometimes held at the homes of members.

For more information, please call the office at (808) 595-3678.

Our Mission

missionoriginal artwork by Laura Seward Margulies

About Sof

Sof Ma’arav is dedicated to observing and preserving the religious and cultural heritage of Judaism.

We are a lay-led, Conservative, egalitarian congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. We are committed to enriching our children and congregants with the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of our faith and Israel.

Read more about Sof

Recent Sof News

Our drashes 



President: Sandra Armstrong

Vice President: Morris Rabinko

Treasurer: Robert Littman

Recording Secretary: Kate Lingley

Corresponding Secretary: Donald Armstrong

Collective Beit Din:

Ken Aronowitz, Gregg Kinkley

Robert Littman, Dina Yoshimi


Board Members:

Morris Rabinko: Memory Book & Yahrzeit

Gregg Kinkley: Ritual Chair, Talmud Chair

Daniel Lev:  Gabbai Chair

Bernice Littman:  President Emerita

Fran Margulies: Drash Chair

Dina Yoshimi: Adult Torah Chair

Sid Goldstein: Communications & PR Chair

Carrie Dibrell: Welcome Chair

Chris Gerson: Oneg Chair

Committee Chairpersons:

Ken Aronowitz: Ritual Advisor

Carolann Biederman: Book Club Chair

Kay Lorraine: Family Promise Chair

Donald Armstrong: Facilities, Security, Strategic Planning

Chris Gerson: Bikkur Cholim

Josh Michaels: Jewy Hui / Young Adult Chair

Robert Littman: Beit Din & Cemetery Chair

Charlotte White:  L-K Library Chair



Shabbat Times