Midrash at Sof
- Moses and Middle Management - Drash On Parsha Shemot by Sid Goldstein Shabbat Shalom. What is middle management? Dr. Alexander Keene, a professor from the Wharton School of Business defines it in his book The […]
- Sof Drashes 2024 - From Folk Tales, History January 2024 Parasha Miketz Drash by Robert J. Littman The Torah is a sacred history of the Jewish people from the patriarch Abraham down through the […]
- Sof Drashes 2023 - The Rest is Commentary January 2023 Vayera Drash by Alexander Fellman וַיְחַזֵּ֤ק יְהוָה֙ אֶת־לֵ֣ב פַּרְעֹ֔ה But Hashem hardened pharaoh’s heart. There is a concept among Christians called the unforgivable […]
- Sof Drashes 2022 - Ki Tissa—Drash by Sid Goldstein February 2022 Shabbat Shalom Exodus 4 :10 Moses said to the lord. “I have never been a man of words, either in times past or […]
- Terror and Relief - Vayigash Drash by Marc Flitter Despite Abraham Joshua Heschel’s portrayal of Judaism as being a religion of deeds in contrast to Christianity characterized as a religion of faith, we do […]
- Sof Drashes 2021-2022 - Shabbat HaGadol & Story May 4, 2022 Drash by Reb Daniel Lev According to the great scholar of the Jewish Time-Cycle, Reb Eliyahu KiTov, For as long as the days […]
- In the Image of Jacob - Parashat Vayishlach Drash by Rabbi Ken Aronowitz January 4, 2024 I was working with a Bar Mitzvah student years ago and was surprised to see that his Devar Torah consisted […]
- Sof Drashes 2020 – 2021 - Gut Yontif – Yom Kippur Drash October 1, 2021 By Alex Golub The High Holy Days are a time of teshuvah. Between the beginning of Rosh Hashanah and the end […]
Midrash Archive
To view the D’rash archive please click the link below
The Sof Ma’arav Drash Archive is a collection of Torah commentaries written by members Sof Maarav for weekly Shabbat services. As a lay-led congregation, Sof relies on the volunteer efforts of its members to lead services and provide spiritual depth to the weekly Torah reading through midrash, or commentary, composed voluntarily by community members.
The drashes collected here have been written by individuals; no effort has been or will be made to articulate larger cohesive theological themes. In other words, this archive is intended to provide readers with the insights of individual thinkers about specific subject matter, rather than to espouse any particular religious orientation. Participation in the archive is also voluntary, and usage of the material is subject to Creative Commons licensing (still under construction).
In addition to helping readers learn about the congregation’s depth of background, experience, and spiritual influences, this archive is intended to help future drashers everywhere by creating an accessible resource for study and inspiration. No claims are or will ever be made about providing comprehensive Torah commentary; drashes will be added periodically when they are received.
A note about document formatting:
The documents archived here have not been edited for consistent formatting. That means that the documents were posted in the form received from the authors. Readers will therefore find that different authors use different fonts, spacing, and point size, among other formatting options. Should the archivist someday win the lottery, she will make a consistent editorial style for this archive her first priority. Until then, readers, please think kindly towards the donations that authors have provided this archive with, and overlook such small things as typos and sans serif fonts.
A note about copyright:
These texts are (c) by the various authors archived at http://honoluludrash.wordpress.com/, and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available athttp://honoluludrash.wordpress.com/feedback/.