Community Events

Intermediate Biblical Hebrew Class meets Sundays from 11 to 12:30, on zoom. At 11 we read an annotated selection from the Parsha; at 11:45 we do a lesson from the First Hebrew Primer. For more information or to join the mailing list, please email Lorna.
Azamra! A Havdalah Evening of Songs and Chants from the Jewish Mystical Tradition

Hosted By Rabbi Daniel Lev. Azamra means “I will sing.” Reb Lev invites everyone to join him in a number of joyful Jewish spiritual songs, chants and meditation on September 14, 2024 beginning at 6PM. After singing we’ll bid farewell to Shabbat with a brief Havdalah ceremony followed by a veggie potluck and shmoozing together. Songbooks with transliterated Hebrew will be provided. Stories and dancing have been known to occur at past gatherings. Musicians are welcome to join in. Amplification may be present. The Event is Free and Open to All. What to Bring? – Vegetarian snacks and drinks (eggs and fish OK; no alcohol please!) Further info: Contact Reb Lev.

Sof Book Club

Date: Sunday, 9/8/24. Time: 1 to 3 on Zoom Author: Robert Pinsky

Book: Jersey Breaks: Becoming An American Poet (memoir)

Candid, engaging, and wry, Jersey Breaks offers an intimate self-portrait and a unique poetic understanding of American culture. Pinsky traces his unlikely journey, from a struggling elementary and high school student to an award-winning poet.

Jersey Breaks is also an ode to Long Branch, the down-on-its-heels Jersey Shore resort town where Pinsky grew up in the 1940s and ’50s, and to the relatives, friends, teachers, and mentors who helped him become a poet whose work is distinguished by its musicality. If interested, contact Carolann.

“Talmud Bums” is a group of Sof Maarav members who meet over Zoom every Shabbat from 2:00 pm to around 3 pm or so. Each week we tackle the text of the Talmud in English translation using the text of the Schottenstein edition of the Babylonian Talmud (available from Amazon). Over the years, we have studied and read through various tractates, including Avodah Zarah, Shabbat, and Sanhedrin. This is not your Zayde’s Talmud class. Jay Friedheim reads the English translation of the main text out loud, while other members take turns reading out the relevant footnotes. You can just listen, help with the reading, or ask a relevant question as the text may prompt. We are a congenial group and enjoy helping each other reason out what the text is getting at. You will need a book to follow along, however, unless you want to try just listening and you’re a good listener. We read on average a page or so of the Talmud per Shabbat (“page” = a daf, that is, both sides of one Babylonian Talmud page, which on average may represent as many as 8 pages of English translation, illustration, glosses, and footnotes). We’re all friends and enjoy learning together. We think you will too! Any questions, feel free to email Gregg.
Shabbat Times