Lynley Shimat Lys

Reʻeh Drash

by Fran Margulies

Seeing is believing! SEE!, not the usual
Shmah, “Listen! Hear! ”“Shmah Yisrael!” is our
more familiar imperative because God in our
tradition is often described as only a voice,
heard, FELT, but never seen.

Moses too wanted… Continue reading

Sof Drashes 2024

Naso Drash

by Daniel Koster

July 2024

When I was growing up in the shtetl of Anatevka, Florida, the Rabbi used to go everywhere by bike. One day he came to me and cried, “Daniel, my bike has been stolen!”… Continue reading

Sof High Holy Days 5785 (2024-2025)

Sof High Holy Days

All services will be held at the Unitarian Church on the Pali.

Rosh Hashanah, Wednesday evening October 2

Thursday, October 3, Day One

Friday, October 4, Day Two


Yom Kippur, Friday… Continue reading

Community Events

Intermediate Biblical Hebrew Class meets Sundays from 11 to 12:30, on zoom. At 11 we read an annotated selection from the Parsha; at 11:45 we do a lesson from the First Hebrew Primer. For more information or to join… Continue reading

Rosh Chodesh Av Drash

by Megan Moore

I would like to preface by honoring two people today. First, let me thank Alice Lachman, who went to great lengths to give me resources for the themes of the month of Av. Second, I would like… Continue reading

Contribute to the Monthly Sof Newsletter

Do you have news, stories, comments, or suggestions?

Contact Sid Goldstein, Communications Chair.

We are seeking stories and news from ALL members of the Congregation. Please send any item you’d like to see in the next Newsletter to Sid Goldstein… Continue reading

Parshah Hukkat Drash

Drash given by David Haymer on July 13, 2024

Parshah Hukkat

The name for this Parshah is often translated as “laws” or “decrees”. According to
Richard Friedman’s commentary on the Torah, this Parshah can be viewed as an elaboration of… Continue reading

Congregation Sof Ma’arav Slate of Officers, Board Members, Committee Chairpersons

Voted In During The Annual Membership Meeting on 6/23/2024



President: Sandra Armstrong

Vice President: Morris Rabinko

Treasurer: Robert Littman

Recording Secretary: Kate Lingley

Corresponding Secretary: Donald Armstrong

Collective Beit Din:


Ken Aronowitz, Gregg Kinkley

Robert Littman,… Continue reading

Fishing Alaska

from Les Rosenthal

Sof Drashes 2023

The Rest is Commentary

January 2023

Vayera Drash by Alexander Fellman

וַיְחַזֵּ֤ק יְהוָה֙ אֶת־לֵ֣ב פַּרְעֹ֔ה

But Hashem hardened pharaoh’s heart.


There is a concept among Christians called the unforgivable sin, the sin that God will never allow repentance for.… Continue reading


Shabbat Times