A Kabbalat Shabbat Outdoor Service for Congregation Sof Ma'arav on the grassy field of the Unitarian Church. Congregants can bring in a picnic dinner starting at 6:00pm. Parking will be at Temple Emanu-El opening up our area for seating. Bring your own mats/chairs. Where a mask and social distancing rules apply.
Celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut with Jews from all 50 states! A National Virtual Yom Ha'atzmaut celebration open to Sof Ma'arav members and families, organized by Congregation Kol Emeth (Rabbi Booth's synagogue in California). If you enjoyed Zoom Chanukah, you’ll love Yom Ha’atzmaut! Join us, please, on April 14th at 2 pm HST when we will once […]