Book Club – Marriage of Opposites
Sunday, March 3, 1-3pm The Sof Ma'arav Book Club will be discussing The Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman. Anyone interested in joining, contact Carolann Biederman during the Oneg after Services.
Sunday, March 3, 1-3pm The Sof Ma'arav Book Club will be discussing The Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman. Anyone interested in joining, contact Carolann Biederman during the Oneg after Services.
Sof Ma’arav Purim Celebration, Megillah reading and Pot Luck Dinner.
Services at the home of the Armstrongs. One-time relocation of services.
At Temple Emanuel: Ethical and Spiritual Wills: Getting your thoughts together. Sponsored by Honolulu Jewish Community Perspectives.
First Pesach Seder, 2019 / 5779.
Pesach begins at sundown on Friday, 19 April 2019 / Nissan 14, 5779. Candle lighting: 6:34 pm
Shabbat services for Pesach will be held from 10:00am until noon on two Saturdays,
April 20 and April 27. You are welcome to join us. A Kosher for Pesach Oneg will follow.
Second Pesach Seder, 2019 / 5779.
Hol Hamo'ed Pesach 2018 / 5779 - April 22-25.