Sof Community Events

Sof Book Club

From Carolann Biederman

Next meeting: March 2, 2025

Book: The Wind Knows My Name, by Isabell Allende

For questions or more information, contact Carolann Biederman.

Azamra! A Havdalah Evening of Songs and Chants from the Jewish Mystical Tradition

Hosted By Rabbi Daniel Lev. Reb Lev invites everyone to join him in a number of joyful Jewish spiritual songs, chants and meditation. When: February 22, 2025, 6-9 PM. After singing we’ll bid farewell to Shabbat with a brief Havdalah ceremony followed by a veggie potluck and shmoozing together. Songbooks with transliterated Hebrew will be provided. Stories and dancing have been known to occur at past gatherings. Musicians are welcome to join in. Amplification may be present. The Event is Free and Open to All. Where? – We’ll meet in our rented backyard lanai at “Baha’i of the Hawaiian Islands,” 3264 Allan Place in Honolulu (Nu’uanu district off the Pali HWY). Parking in front and along the building. What to Bring? – Vegetarian snacks and drinks (eggs and fish OK; no alcohol please!) Further info: Contact Reb Lev.

New Biblical Hebrew Class Series

from Lorna Holmes

Via Google Meet on Sunday morning from 11-12. We spend half an hour reading a selection from the parsha for the next Shabbat, and half an hour on a lesson from the First Hebrew Primer (FHP). The parsha text is translated and annotated in a very reader-friendly form. You are welcome join or to audit, no pressure! We’ll be moving at a rate of one chapter every two weeks. For questions or to join the mailing list, email Lorna Holmes.

Here is the information on FHP and the Answer Book (which is very helpful to have):

Simon, Resnikoff and Motzkin, The First Hebrew Primer, Third edition. EKS Publishing Co., Berkeley, CA. Their email: Isbn: 0-939144-15-8

Simon and Brandt-Finell, Answer Book: The First Hebrew Primer, Third edition 2005. EKS Publishing Co., Berkeley, CA. Their email: Isbn: 978-0-939144-16-7


Talmud at Sof: Two Methods, One Goal

By Gregg Kinkley

The morning bi-monthly session meets in the oneg room at Sof Maarav at 9:00 am and the weekly afternoon shiur meets at 2:00 pm (both sessions are also on Zoom with an address sent in the weekly Sof email). In the weekly afternoon session, a core group of Sof colleagues led by Jay Friedheim meet and discuss, one tractate at a time, every footnote and analytical detail, reading aloud (in English) the Mishnah, Gemara, and Schottenstein commentary edition of the Talmud. The group is very friendly, please join us! Questions? Feel free to email Gregg.

Shabbat Times