Lynley Shimat Lys

The Blessings of Yaʻakov

Toldot Drash By Alexander Fellman

There’s a story I like. A Jew was found on a deserted island. He’d made quite a time of his prison there, building himself a house, a street, and two synagogues. “I go to that… Continue reading

Divine Justice & Free Will

Reʻeh Drash by Howard Streicher

Reʻeh, “see,” is the longest parsha with the most words in the book of words (Devarim) 7442 letters, 1932 Hebrew words. 

To begin the parsha, God appears to offer a clear choice placing… Continue reading


Shoftim Drash By Marlene Booth & Avi Soifer

Marlene: The portion of the Torah I read today emphasizes the need to have two witnesses in a criminal case.  No conviction can be based on the testimony of a single… Continue reading

Hear and Remember

ʻEkev Drash by Sandra Z. Armstrong

The great joy of Shabbat carries through every day until the time comes when we open up the Torah and the words flow through us. In ʻEkev, Moses stresses the importance of “remembering” to… Continue reading

Annual Membership Dues

Congregation Sof Maʻarav Annual Membership Dues Invoice

5783 (2022-2023)

Congregation Sof Maʻarav,

c/o Robert Littman, P.O. Box 10850, Honolulu, HI 96816

Checks payable to:

Congregation Sof Maʻarav

High Holy Day tickets are included in membership dues. Children of members who… Continue reading

Presidential Remarks

Annual Membership Meeting June 13, 2022

By Sandra Armstrong

Upon looking back on the minutes that Margie graciously wrote up from a year ago, our Jewish world has changed significantly. In May 2021, we were just discussing the move to… Continue reading

Memory, Forgetting, and Accuracy

Drash on Va’etchanan

by  Alex Golub

There’s an old joke about a guy who is sent to prison. He’s terrified to be there and nervously, he sits down with some of the oldest convicts to try to blend in.… Continue reading

Irony and Role Reversal

Parsha Balak Drash

by Fran Margulies

Our word irony comes from ancient Greek theater device erroneia. A comic character was an eiron, a faker who pretended to be dumb but was really smart. At end of the play the… Continue reading

Grasshoppers and Giants

Parashat Shelach Drash from visiting Rabbi Norman Levin

 I want to thank you for inviting me to give the dvar Torah this Shabbat. This is my first time in Hawaiʻi and I am very pleased to be here. Feel… Continue reading

Spiritual Acts of Faith

Parsha Chukat Drash by Donald Armstrong

I have always enjoyed the poetry of Ogden Nash. He wrote:

The cow is of the bovine ilk. One end is moo, the other milk.

A short, clean and humorous poem that is so… Continue reading


Shabbat Times